Burapha students win safe-driving award

Communication Arts students Avika Onnim, Jarurawin Sukattakit, Sudarat Klinklun and Tewa Tantakan receive their award for a campaign to promote safe driving.
Communication Arts students Avika Onnim, Jarurawin Sukattakit, Sudarat Klinklun and Tewa Tantakan receive their award for a campaign to promote safe driving.

A group of sophomores at Burapha University were awarded an honorable mention in the annual Toyota Campus Challenge. A total 679 teams across the country participated.

Communication Arts students Avika Onnim, Jarurawin Sukattakit, Sudarat Klinklun and Tewa Tantakan received their award Dec. 27 for a campaign to promote safe driving.

Toyota has been holding its Campus Challenge for five years seeking ideas for public relations campaigns focused on road safety. Thailand has the eighth-worst road safety record in the world.