South Pattaya drainage project to finish by Sept. 30

Contractors promised to work around the clock over the weekend to complete the installation of new underground drainage pipes and pumps under South Road by Sept. 30.

Work to install new underground drainage pipes and pumps under South Road is nearly complete, with the project expected to finish on time, by Sept. 30.

Pattaya Deputy Mayor Manote Nongyai and city engineers visited the Eaktavee and KS Co. construction zone in front of the VC Hotel Sept. 20, checking on the progress of the project and imploring contractors to wrap things up on time.

The project, which runs from Third to Beach Roads, is intended to alleviate flooding on Soi Buakhao – which now will be connected to the 710-meter-long pipeline under South Road – as well as in front of Chaimongkol Temple.

In addition to pipes, four pumps were installed, each capable of moving a cubic meter of water a second to the South Pattaya Canal.

All the underground work is done with only 60 meters of street needed to be rebuilt.
Contractors will be working around the clock over the weekend to compete the job, Manote said.