PATTAYA, Thailand – Local residents in the area near the entrance of Soi Buakhao, Central Pattaya, reported a broken water pipe located beneath a storm drain on January 16. The residents had noticed an unusually loud sound of water flowing continuously, leading to concerns about the excessive waste of water. They requested an inspection of the issue to prevent further wastage.
In response, a member of the Pattaya City Council, Dilok Thongnak (Councilor for District 3 and Secretary of the Engineering and Public Utilities Committee), coordinated with the Provincial Waterworks Authority (PWA) to investigate the issue. Upon inspection, it was confirmed that a broken water pipe was indeed located beneath the road surface.
The issue was promptly addressed and repaired. Dilok expressed his gratitude to the residents for their vigilance in reporting the situation, as this helped prevent unnecessary water wastage, which could have amounted to thousands of liters per day. The area around Soi Buakhao is known for frequent low water pressure, and the repair is expected to improve the flow of water in the area.