PWA calls claims of worms in Pattaya tap water ‘fake news’

Provincial Waterworks Authority officials tested Pattaya’s tap water and found it to be clean.

Provincial Waterworks Authority officials called a social media post claiming a four-centimeter worm came out of a Pattaya faucet “fake news,” saying it’s impossible for insects to breed and grow in the city’s tap water system.

Pimnapa Munkong, 65, insisted April 1 that she was not making it up when the red worm came out of a faucet at her laundry shop. In fact, she said she’s seen bugs in the tap water twice.

PWA officials, however, said if true, it was a problem with the shop’s own pipes, not the water-processing system.

Raw water in Pattaya-area reservoirs goes through a multistage filtering and purifying process that includes adding chlorine and other chemicals, running water through multiple filters and delivers it to end-users via sealed, high-pressure pipes.

Raw water in Pattaya-area reservoirs goes through a multistage filtering and purifying process that includes adding chlorine and other chemicals, running water through multiple filters and delivers it to end-users via sealed, high-pressure pipes.

No living organisms can survive the chemicals or live in the high-pressure environment, PWA Pattaya Manager Chaitat Idsang said.

While you still may not want to drink it, Pattaya tap water is safe to use, he insisted.

The end result is free from worms and bugs, and officials say that if this was not true, then it was a problem with the shop’s pipes, not the water-processing system.

Officials put sampled water through intensive testing.

PWA Pattaya Manager Chaitat Idsang said no living organisms can survive the chemicals or live in the system’s high-pressure environment.