Pattaya mom blames ghosts for teen’s behavioral problems

14-year-old Jiraphon undergoes an exorcism ritual to apologize to a tree believed to be home to spirts.

Parents forced a teen girl with behavioral problems to apologize to a tree they believe is a home to spirts.

While no shrinking heads or witch doctors were involved, Rittikai Engchuan, 37, believed that her 14-year-old daughter Jiraphon was exhibiting strange behavior because she refused to pay her respects to a 50-year-old raintree on the Huay Yai Railway Road.

The Pattaya woman got a spiritual “expert” to accompany her to the tree July 8 to exorcise the demons.
Needless to say, it had no effect.

The 14-year-old previously was hanging out with friends under the tree and drinking rice whiskey. She also tried to shock relatives by eating raw pork at barbecues.

Rather than blaming mental health issues, Rittikai blamed it on ghosts.

Jiraphon’s family accompanied by a spiritual “expert” performs an exorcism ceremony at the 50-year-old raintree to rid the girl of demons.