40 homes damaged by flooding in Sattahip


Runoff from heavy rain flooded more than 40 homes in Sattahip

The 700-Rai Market area, Sukhumvit Road and Moo 3 and 4 villages were hit hardest by the April 23 downpour. Flooding reached two meters deep in some places, bringing traffic to a standstill.

A Toyota Corona was found underwater and driver Jamlong Jaisa-ard, 64, narrowly escaped injury. He was driving through a flooded section of road when water swamped his engine.

More than 40 homeowners reported serious flood damage.

Jamlong Jaisa-ard narrowly escaped injury when the floodwaters he was trying to drive through became too deep.Jamlong Jaisa-ard narrowly escaped injury when the floodwaters he was trying to drive through became too deep.

Mayor Narong Bunbancherdsri sent 20 city workers to aid residents and drain the water. It took approximately two hours before the flooding was alleviated and traffic was able to move again.

The areas inundated are lower-lying neighborhoods where drainage systems are inadequate.