Traffic could very easily be less congested



Re: Probably impossible to fix traffic problems here (PM Mailbag Friday, 24 April 2015) – Actually John the traffic could very easily be less congested if they simply made the easternmost lane on 2nd Rd southbound, leaving 3 lanes (no parking) still northbound. Many people needing to go south, past Beach Rd., do not need to use Beach Rd. if they had a south alternative – to get to Jomtien, for example. Others, using hotels along the beach with east/west entrances, View Talay 6 is just one, wouldn’t have to go to Beach Rd. Deliveries to stores on Beach Road should be restricted to 4 to 8 a.m. when they can safely double park without tying up traffic & parking; other times banned on Beach & 2nd Roads. This calls for markers/lighting/public announcement and extra traffic police until the public is all aware but … They won’t do this!

Don Aleman

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