Exceptional people



Tis the season to acknowledge some exceptional people. Jolanda and Esther Ern, twins from Switzerland. They have been living in Thailand for around 10 years, they have also contributed to the sterilization of many dogs to lessen the big problem Thailand is having with stray dogs. They heard about KOTO giving water, food, first aid, to less fortunate humans, dogs, cats and offered to not only fix his old truck but pay Chaiyapruek Pet Hospital for every dog or cat KOTO brought in to be sterilized, also saving the lives of many injured dogs and cats.

In the past 3 months they have sterilized 80 dogs, 20 cats. They have been the “wind in KOTO’s sails” making it possible for him to make a difference in the lives of unfortunates be it human or animal. Bless both of them for their caring for others. Wishing them both good health, happiness, long life and a Happy New Year.

With Aloha,

Gerry aka KOTO