100 Pattaya police sweep through rowdy Tree Town Market

Tourist and immigration police walk through Tree Town in Soi Buakhao inspecting bars and nightclubs campaigning against drugs, weapons and general safety risks facing tourists.

Pattaya police brought their tourist-safety campaign to Tree Town market, where safety has been a concern for years.

About 100 city, tourist and immigration police, municipal and district security agents showed off their smart uniforms at the Soi Buakhao entertainment complex Feb. 25 for a media-targeted show of force.

The latest camera-ready event was another in authorities’ public relations campaign against drugs, weapons, human trafficking, underage drinking and general safety risks facing tourists.

Officers checked bars at Tree Town – the site of numerous fights and violence, including the killing of one person last year. Some of the establishments have been fined previously for human trafficking, but continue to operate.

Police stop to talk to a bar receptionist and to distribute leaflets encouraging businesses to keep a lookout for human trafficking and underage drinking.