The disappearing band


Dear Hillary,

I’m from the UK and went to hear a local band that was advertised as playing at a music venue in Pattaya Dark Side. I was told they were a great band, so I was looking forward to it. When I got there, it was packed so I thought I’d come back later after having something to eat. When I did come back, the parking was no problems and there was another (Thai) band playing as the first big-name band had been asked to leave the stage, and let the local house band take over. Is this common in Thailand? There’d be a riot if that happened in England. We go to hear the top liners, not the house bands. That place will never see me again.



Dear Marvin,

Are you really Marvin Gaye? Of course you’re not, since he’s very dead, so you must be the Marvin who’s gay? Relax! Take it easy Petal, I’m just trying to put out the fire. I have heard of these situations before, and it takes a brave man (or a foolhardy one) to substitute bands after the customers have arrived. It doesn’t do any good for anyone and will result in lost customers I imagine. Well, they’ve lost you.