How to survive Thailand – Leave Denmark


Hello Hillary,

I write this to anyone who considers complaining about Thailand or Pattaya or Chiang Mai or where ever.  Start with the weather.  It doesn’t get much better than in Pattaya, right?  The girls are cute and can be very funny.  Thai-food is fantastic.  Thai-people are sweet people (most of them).

I have travelled to Thailand and elsewhere in Asia, as much as I could afford for the last 18 years.  I have spent more than 5 years in Thailand, in total.  Spent all my money, travelled all over this beautiful country, most of the time with great companions, though most of them don’t like even a short walk.

The Thais are great teachers, both in customs and language.  I always bear in mind that I am a stranger and if any of us has to learn something, then it’s me!  And it is like the more I learn, the more I realize that it will go on forever learning about Thai-ness.  I really love it.

I am not sure how other people deal with Thailand, but if you want to live there, here’s a few advises: Learn to speak/read and write Thai.  Eat Thai food, Thaistyle (on the floor and loads of chilli).  Don’t fall in love with the girl in the bar.  Keep a cool head.  Just remember that you are NOT there to ‘rescue’ anyone, okay?!  But have your fun.  That’s why you are there in the first place, right?  Keep a cool (not cold) heart, and you will get into it.  Finally I can recommend to stay in a room with no air-con.  Fan will do.  It’s a lot cheaper and then you acclimatize.  The list goes on.

But stop complaining. I write this from Denmark where I sit alone.  It is pitch black outside, rain and heavy wind.  Other than the sound of the wind, the streets are deserted and it’s a very quiet Sunday night.  I miss Thailand and the wonderful Thai people. Enjoy Pattaya and Thailand!

Peter J

Dear Peter J,

You certainly did pick up the Thai bug, didn’t you!  In fact, you really did pick up a very serious case of the Thai bug, didn’t you!  Sorry I had to shorten the letter, my Petal, but we ran out of space.  It is 32 degrees here as I write this, even with a thunderstorm threatening, so why don’t you get yourself pointed back here, where you can enjoy life and living!  I agree that your advice should be considered by all newbies to Pattaya.  Mind you, I’m not very thrilled by fan rooms at night.  I need my air-con.  I don’t care how much it costs!  (Anyway, I don’t worry, as the Editor pays for it!)