Hillary Introductions


Dear Hillary,

With all these guys writing in to say they’ve been cheated, why don’t you open an introductions business.  You’ve got ready made customers, and you would know where the good honest girls are.  You can’t go wrong in that business.  You would be able to stop writing your Agony Aunt column and live in one of the 5 Star hotel penthouses, instead of over the printing machines at the Pattaya Mail.


Dear Joe,

I’m sorry, but I can’t imagine anything worse.  Broken hearted farangs looking for the love of their lives, having just found out that the last love of their lives didn’t love them at all, but the money was good while it lasted.  The bar girls are already in a ‘business’, so don’t need me to help them.  And how do you suggest I weed out the “bad” girls from the “good” girls?  There is no test, other than time, to weed out the bad from the good.  Sorry Joe, if you were hoping I could find you the perfect match.  It doesn’t happen that way.

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