How to enjoy Pattaya, a 15 year story


Dear Hillary,

There are so many books written about the seedy side of life in Thailand, and Pattaya in particular, it is a wonder anybody comes at all, and to come every year you would have to be crazy. That’s the idea that some people think, but I have been coming back on my annual holidays for 15 years, and I don’t think I’m crazy at all. And I’m not a single male going from bar to bar like the butterfly. My wife and I enjoy going to the bars, listen to some great bands and watch first-timers with their mouths open! We stay at some of the top hotels which are much cheaper than similar ones in the UK. We catch taxis to go anywhere and they are cheap too. We eat at top restaurants here which we have only seen any like it in London, which are so expensive we can’t afford them. And we can sit on deck chairs and watch the sunsets. Medical and dental treatments are so cheap compared to private hospitals back home, no wonder people come to Thailand as medical tourists and get their teeth filled.

Jim and Matty

Dear Jim and Matty,

Thank you so much for the kind words. It just shows how to enjoy life and not get caught up in all the negatives. People seem to forget after a few years here, just how cheap Pattaya is. Sure it has become more expensive in the 15 years you have known us but that is a world-wide situation, but as you have pointed out, it is still very cheap compared to the UK and the western world.