Does age matter?


Dear Hillary,

What’s your advice for blokes over 70, like me, looking at the girlfriends available? Bit different from back in Blighty. I find I like the 35-45 year old ones most, but this makes them 30 years younger than me. The 60 year old ones don’t interest me at all, and the 20 year youngsters are only after my money. My friends all tell me I should be looking for one closer to my age. What do you say, Hillary?



Dear Reg,

You should wake up every morning thanking your lucky stars that you found Thailand, and thanking Cupid that you have such a choice. Petal, your heart will tell you which one is the right one for you, but please remember that you come from a different kind of society and the eager to please attitude of us Thai ladies does not mean that we are all ideal mates. You have been warned.