The business of being a bar girl


Dear Hillary,

(Further to a letter two weeks ago engendering sympathy for bar girls and their fight to stay alive in their mosquito infested huts.)

The truth I am afraid is very far from that painted by the sympathetic writer above, most bar girls are not in the bar out of desperation they are there to earn quick and better money than they could earn working in a shop hotel factory etc. The vast majority of them are lazy and would never hold down a real job.

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Far from being forced into it because they are desperate they are more likely into it because they cannot get up for work in the morning and want to sit around chatting with their mates and eating all day, of course there are others who are encouraged to go into it by their husband/boyfriends so that they can earn enough money to prevent the boyfriend/husband having to do an honest day’s work.


Dear Chris,

You do paint a rather gloomy picture, my Petal, and I am sure it isn’t as black as you are painting. Certainly, many (some?) don’t like getting up in the mornings but enjoy the lunchtime chats and chat shows. I also agree that many will earn far more than they could have working in a factory. But what would you rather do? Have friends to sit around the table, share a few beers, get dressed up for parties every evening, be bought drinks, shown off to his friends and spend the night in a far better room than your own room (the one that you share with three other bar girls)? The majority are lazy? There are some very hard working girls out there. Be kind and they will be kind to you.