Big ticket rip-offs


Dear Hillary,

You hear of all these poor saps being ripped off when the short-term Thai GF goes off to greener pastures, and they then make out that it is all the Thai GF’s fault, and how crooked the Thai women are and the like.  They should remember Greg Norman ($103m), Paul McCartney ($48.7m), Prince Charles ($45.2m), for a start. While I understand you Hillary for trying to protect the uninitiated or naïve males from the not-so gentle sex at the bar, but please qualify the advice though by saying, that a Thai bar girl is really no different from many other ladies, bar girls or not.


Dear Jeremy,

I am not really in the position to comment on the ex’s of Greg Norman, Prince Charles and Paul McCartney, as I have no idea where they came from before marrying the money, but I am able to agree with some of your statement that a Thai bar girl is really no different from many other bar girls overseas, but I cannot be as sweeping as you to include “other ladies”.