Another Quiet American


Dear Hillary,
You may think this is silly, but I’m from America and I am not used to going into a bar to be propositioned. I don’t want to have someone ask me where I come from. It is my business only if I am married. I don’t want people to know how much money I make. How many children I have is my affair. Why doesn’t someone tell these girls in the bars that not everyone wants to tell them personal details? All I want is a quiet beer!


Dear Chuck,
What are you worried about? Is there some dark secret you are hiding from us all? A skeleton in the closet? Are you on the run from the DEA? Has the CIA got a file on you? Has your ex-wife been employing Private Investigators to find you to slap the alimony claim on you? Or worse, has the IRS found out about your fraudulent claims for 2005/6? My next question is why are you drinking in beer bars? These girls aren’t from the CIA or the IRS, they are just doing their job as drinking companions as well as they can and you’re lucky they can converse as much as they can. If you don’t want the girls to talk to you then don’t drink in beer bars. It is like going to a rock concert and complaining they’re not playing Mozart. It’s the old horses for courses thing, Petal. If you just want a quiet beer, you can buy a bottle of beer from the supermarket and sit alone in your room or restrict your drinking to the more up-market watering holes!