Lion Air to build Indonesia’s largest cargo airport in Lebak


Rome, Nov 29 -Lion Air, Indonesia’s largest privately owned airlines, plans to build a cargo airport in Lebak, Banten province, which will be bigger than the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, the company’s CEO, Rusdi Kirana, stated here on Friday.

“We will focus more on building infrastructure,” Rusdi noted after inking a contract for the purchase of 40 turboprop aircraft from Italys aircraft manufacturer, Aerei da Trasporto Regionale (ATR).

According to Rudi, the cargo airport will be built on a six thousand-hectare plot of land in Lebak area and will be specifically used for cargo transportation catering to domestic and regional markets.

“We have set a target to make the airport fully operational in 2018,” Rusdi stated, adding that the groundbreaking of the new airport will be held next year.

He expressed hope that the new cargo airport will ease domestic and international flow of goods. Apart from offering transportation services, the new airport will also provide a business center for small and medium enterprises.