AFG examines Shinawatra dynasty


Once again, the Automotive Focus Group (AFG) has been a very proactive member of the business community on the Eastern Seaboard.  With informative speakers each month, the November address is shaping up to be one of the most interesting and timely, with the subject matter being “The Shinawatra Dynasty – A tale of hope and fear!

This will be given on Friday November 22 at the Amari Ocean Tower by celebrated columnist Voranai Vanijaka, one of the most straightforward and straight talking media persons in this country.

Thaksin ShinawatraThaksin Shinawatra

At a previous address to the AFG three years ago, Voranai pointed out some interesting statistics from the past 81 years of a ‘democratic’ Thailand which has seen 23 military coups d’etat, of which only 11 were successful.

Even more interesting was the fact that of the 23 military attempts to take power, 20 of them took place in Q4, which just incidentally happens to come after the annual reshuffles in the top military brass and police.  “It’s a seasonal thing,” he said.

Voranai is a political and social commentator with the Bangkok Post newspaper.  He also teaches at Thammasat University in the faculty of Journalism and Mass Media.  He won the MR Ayumongol Sonakul “writer of the year” award in 2011 for his Sunday columns.  He is a frequent commentator on Thai politics for the international media, as well as in local and international seminars and forums.  He has hosted three TV shows in the past.  His bachelor’s degree is in politics and history, and has a master’s degree in international business.

The AFG can be contacted through its vice president, [email protected].