TFi’s ‘80’s Icons’ hits all the right notes


The Thai farang Initiative (TFi) held another one of its popular ‘fun events for charity’ at the Access Inn on Saturday, March 18.  The evening was titled “80’s Icons & One Hit Wonders” and featured many classic tracks from the 1980s and a host of one hits wonders from the archives.

Veteran musician and songwriter Barry Upton gave up his time to assist the TFi team and acted as DJ for the evening.

Many people contributed to the night, including Angie Turton (Sam Fox) and Eva Johnson (Cyndi Lauper) who dressed up imaginatively for the occasion.  The evening also featured the ’Monkey Drum Roll’ where by 3 contestants wore rubber masks and armed with drumsticks had to keep in time with the classic song “In the air tonight” by Phil Collins, the three drumming monkeys being Mathew Raspin, Eva Johnson and Ren Lexander.

The finale of the evening was a rendition of the classic Queen track “I want to break free”, with Paul Johnson as Freddie Mercury, Richard Arthur as Brian May and your scribe (Paul Strachan) as Roger Taylor – all dressed in drag and replicating the classic video to the anthemic song.

Mathew Raspin, Eva Johnson and Ren Lexander play along to the classic Phil Collins song ‘In the air tonight’.
Mathew Raspin, Eva Johnson and Ren Lexander play along to the classic Phil Collins song ‘In the air tonight’.
Rodney Charman, Paul John, Paul Strachan and Richard Arthur present Barry Upton with a certificate of appreciation for being the DJ on the evening.
Rodney Charman, Paul John, Paul Strachan and Richard Arthur present Barry Upton with a certificate of appreciation for being the DJ on the evening.
Paul Strachan (Roger Taylor), Paul Johnson (Freddie Mercury), and Richard Arthur (Brian May) camp it up for charity.
Paul Strachan (Roger Taylor), Paul Johnson (Freddie Mercury), and Richard Arthur (Brian May) camp it up for charity.
Richard and Rodney present Angie Turton with a gift voucher from Punch & Judy.
Richard and Rodney present Angie Turton with a gift voucher from Punch & Judy.

Riviera Group was the lead sponsor of the event and secondary sponsors were Rightmove Pattaya, Premier Oilfield Services and Pecunia Asset Management.

TFi assists the under-privileged in the community and believes in 100% transparency, therefore, all its accounts are published online on its popular facebook page.

A total of 48,563.00 baht was raised during the event which the TFi team of Rodney Charman, Paul Johnson. K Pure, Richard Arthur, Nick (the Pizza), Greig Ritchie and Paul Strachan will put to charitable use.

The Tfi group hopes to return later in the year with another ‘fun event for charity’.