Mia Luang and Mia Noi – and penis puree


Dear Hillary,

My wife and I have been together for 10 years now, and it has slipped into a fairly boring relationship.  I look around and I see great looking ladies everywhere, with many of them making it very obvious they would be happy to be my “Mia Noy”.  Somebody new would certainly put some excitement back in my life.  How do I break the news to my wife that I want a minor wife?  I know lots of men with minor wives, but I don’t want to ask them whether the number 1 wife knows about it.


Dear Jerry,

A swashbuckling adventurer are you?  Believe in living dangerously do we, my Petal?  You are looking at some options which are strewn with physical problems, which are all in store for you.  Have you heard the saying “cut it off and feed it to the ducks”?  Well that was the old method of rewards for men who kept minor wives and that was when households kept ducks.  Now it is much more of a problem for the men who stray, with the food blenders that every household has these days substituting for the ducks.  Pureed penis doesn’t bear thinking about, does it.  So there you have it Petal, you can take the risk (as you say there are plenty of ladies looking for a sponsor), or you can buckle down and work out how to put some sparkle back into the relationship.  Up to you!