A Chinese puzzle


Dear Hillary,

In my job I have a lot of contact with Chinese business people. The latest group (they always travel in groups) was headed up by a woman, who made it obvious that she was interested in a little more than brochures. This was without English or Thai languages. I’ve never been one to turn down something that was offered like this, but I think her husband was one of the group. So, should I give it a go, or toe the business line? If you were in my shoes, Hillary, what would you do?



Dear Art,

I like people who live dangerously, and you are a risk taker, Petal. Haven’t you ever heard about the Triads? Or read about the lawyer who had a fling with a Chinese lady and ended up having to sit down to pee after a kind of extended Chinese circumcision? The Chinese are just as much into revenge as the western world. And what would I do? I would make sure I was out of town, the next time she comes into town. I can’t make it any plainer than that, Art.