Bangkok bus fares not expected to increase after lifting of diesel price cap in May

DLT Director-General Chirute Visalachitra said the department will look into cost-cutting measures in order to ensure that public transport operators can continue to operate after the diesel price cap is lifted on May 1.

The Department of Land Transport (DLT) has assured the public that bus fares will not be raised once the 30-baht per liter price cap on diesel is lifted starting next month.

DLT Director-General Chirute Visalachitra said the department will look into cost-cutting measures in order to ensure that public transport operators can continue to operate after the diesel price cap is lifted on May 1. He said operators can file an appeal to the central committee overseeing land transport services, but advised them to wait until the price of diesel stabilizes before submitting their adjustments to the DLT.

The Director-General also warned public transport operators offering service on regular routes not to raise their fares without prior approval. Violators can face fines of up to 50,000 baht and have their permits revoked. Non-regular route operators and tour bus businesses can meanwhile adjust their fares based on market circumstances as long as the fare is first agreed upon by passengers on their routes.(NNT)