TAT briefs Pattaya tourism firms on Saudi tourist market

Chattan Kunjara Na Ayudhya, deputy governor of TAT Chattan said that before the pandemic, Pattaya was one of the most popular destinations for Saudi tourists and TAT planned to penetrate the market via three new targets again.

The Tourism Authority of Thailand brief Pattaya-area tourism businesses on the newly reopened Saudi Arabian market.

Chattan Kunjara Na Ayudhya, deputy governor for international marketing Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Americas, led the “Mastering the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Market and the Middle East” seminar March 9 at the Renaissance Pattaya Resort and Spa. The workshop as aimed at advising tourism operators on the potential and marketing opportunities that come with the restoration of diplomatic ties between Thailand and Saudi Arabia.

Chattan said both countries agreed that on the key processes to restore bilateral relation and cooperation in important strategies, and guidelines to promote and strengthen trade and economic relations between both countries.

The TAT initiated strategic planning with marketing networks to prepare for tourism businesses by building marketing knowledge and tools for market penetration for Saudi Arabia to tourism entrepreneurs in the forms of organizing Market briefing/business talks (tabletop sales) between Thailand tourism entrepreneurs and representatives of tour companies from Saudi Arabia, and holding B2B and B2C sale promotional activities.

Chattan said that before the coronavirus pandemic, Pattaya was one of the most popular destinations for Saudi tourists.

The seminar was well attended by tour operators and travel and tourism related businesses hoping to benefit from the Saudi market.

The TAT planned for market penetration for Saudi Arabia via three new targets including new generations, families, and medical health care by offering products in health and wellness, beaches and shopping.

The entrepreneurs are required to prepare readiness to support and to respond to tourism behavior of Saudi Arabia tourists in various parts, such as readiness to provide Halal foods to be more standard with adequate portions.

Kachondej Apichattrakul, director of TAT’s Pattaya office, said 393,562 tourists from the Middle East visited Chonburi in 2019. Compared with the same period the previous year, Pattaya is still the popular destination of tourists from the Middle East.