New quarantine rules for air and sea international arrivals in Thailand

Thai and non-Thai citizens flying to Thailand will have to bear the costs of quarantine, at Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ) hotels, the number of which will be increased.

According to the Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA), there will no longer be free, state provided quarantine for international arrivals in Thailand by air and sea from July 1st.

This means Thai and non-Thai citizens flying to Thailand will have to bear the costs of quarantine, at Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ) hotels, the number of which will be increased.

However, some forms of state quarantine will, however, remain, under the designation of Organizational Quarantine (OQ), for vulnerable groups, such as Thai laborers returning from abroad, other Thais who cannot pay for their quarantine and government officials. State quarantine will also remain for arrivals by land.

For laborers, the Labor Ministry will determine the location and timeframe and will coordinate with the private sector. (NNT)