A timely situation


Dear Hillary,

Have you ever been embarrassed because everywhere you go, your partner makes you late?  What do you do about hopeless time keepers?  (Or are you one of them too?)  My Thai girlfriend is wonderful in every way, other than the fact she can never be on time for anything!  And I mean anything.  I bought her a watch, I’ve put a clock on the bedroom wall, but that does not get her into better time habits either.  I know Thai people are supposed to have this free and easy attitude to time, but my friends expect me to be on time for appointments, lunches and the like, and if I bring Noi we will always be late and I get hassled and irritated, which can spoil the day.  What suggestions do you have, Hillary?

Tick Tock


Dear Tick Tock,

It is “time” (sorry about that) for you to sit down with your girlfriend and explain why you have a need to be “on time” everywhere.  “Secondly” (sorry about that again, but some days I can’t help myself) you should also make “time” (there I go again) to sit down and make sure that you are not needlessly making life more difficult for yourself than it need be.  Is it always imperative that you be exactly on time?  There is always a middle way, Petal, especially in Thailand.  Telling your friends that you will be at the venue between 7-7.30 gives you 30 minutes of wriggle room, and you can always fib and tell your girlfriend you are expected to be there at 6.30.  (But I’ll deny I ever said that!)

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