Bangkok officials check vehicles for excessive black smoke emissions

Bangkok officials continue inspecting vehicles, particularly trucks and public buses, on the inbound lanes of Borommaratchachonnani Road.

BANGKOK – Officials are enforcing measures to reduce levels of particulate matter of 25 microns or less in diameter (PM2.5), one of which is restricting the number of vehicles emitting black exhaust fumes on the roads in Bangkok and surrounding areas. In the last four months, more than 60,000 were inspected, with 400 found to exceed emission standards.

Officials continue inspecting vehicles, particularly trucks and public buses, on the inbound lanes of Borommaratchachonnani Road, Bangkok. If the vehicles are found to exceed emission standards, they are banned from the road until they are fixed according to the law.

According to the Department of Land Transport, 20 roadside emission checkpoints in greater Bangkok inspected 62,380 vehicles between October 1 last year and January 31 this year. A yellow sticker was issued to 477 vehicles, temporarily banning them. Owners are required to address the problem within 30 days. A red sticker was issued to 18 vehicles, banning them permanently. Inspections will continue until next month.

Members of the public, some of whom have congenital disorders, say the dust problem has affected their health. They say the problem is not only caused by cars, but also by other activities. (NNT)