Covid interrupts 2021 season for Pattaya Cricket Club and Leagues

PCC at Chiang Mai 8’s.

Spring 2021 was set fair for a full and entertaining cricket season with the start of Season 4 of the Indoor League at Rugby School Thailand (RST). Pattaya Cricket Club (PCC), back in the Bangkok Cricket League (BCL), had won their first match last year, and PCC moved to their new home ground at Pattana Sports Resort (PSR) where an 8-a-side tournament had been planned. Unfortunately, the outbreak of a second round of Covid-19 and the implementation of government and provincial control measures has curtailed all cricket for at least a month.

As soon as the restrictions are lifted and cricket allowed to restart, those in charge of the postponed events will do their best to resurrect what they can and cricket news will hit the press once again.

Below is a summary of what has been cancelled and will give you a flavour of what might be available later:

Pattaya-RST Indoor Cricket League – due to have started on 4 Jan with a new contestant, making 6 teams, RST Pythons, RST Vipers, PCC, Warriors, Lords of the Beers (LOTB) and their new non-drinking buddies, the Lords of Lemonade (LOL). The matches are usually played on a Monday evening at RST.

PCC had planned to host an 8-a-side tournament at PSR on 9th January consisting of PCC, The Southerners, The Parrots and The British Club, with the second leg of the Durnford-Philbrook Trophy being played on 10th January at the same ground.

The BCL were making full use of the grounds at Thai Polo Club and PSR throughout January and February with 2 matches each day for most weekends. PCC were planning to play the Asian All Stars CC, the Asian Institute of Technology, and the Royal Star CC in January at PSR.

If anyone wishes to get involved in any way or just be a spectator, all are welcome. Please visit the PCC website at for news of fixtures, events and match reports with scorecards.