Puppy gets in, can’t get out

“Jao Dee Ngam”, a four-month-old puppy, was frightened by loud noises coming from a children’s parade and hid in a nook between two walls where it got stuck.

A frightened puppy running from a children’s parade hid between two walls in Trat, but couldn’t get out.

Danai Watkhaolam, 31, called the Sawang Boonchuylua Thammasathan Trat Foundation for help Nov. 9 after he couldn’t coax the four-month-old pup out of the 15-centimeter-wide nook between two walls at his Muang District house.


Rescuers found the puppy stuck about ten meters from the opening, so one climbed the wall and used a long stick to push the dog’s hips forward until it got un-stuck. The entire operation took about 15 minutes.

The little critter emerges from the predicament after rescue workers nudged it out.


Danai Watkhaolam is reunited with little “Jao Dee Ngam.”


Rescuers are happy to scratch puppy on the noggin.