Thailand monitors entertainment venues, prepares for arrival of international visitors

Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Minister of Public Health (center).
Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Minister of Public Health (center).

Following the first day of the Phase 5 easing of social restrictions, more activities are allowed to resume, including businesses that are considered to be most at risk of spreading the feared virus, such as entertainment venues. Public health authorities are working hard to monitor the venues and ensure all parties comply with the regulations.

Mr. Anutin Charnvirakul, Deputy PM and Minister of Public Health called an online conference this week with directors of provincial public health offices, and directors of hospitals all over the country, to assign policy to be followed in the new Phase 5 easing of restrictions.

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He stressed that all health sectors must be prepared for an emergency situation especially with the anticipated arrival of international visitors. The disease control department and the department of medical sciences will use COVID-19 rapid test kits to avoid congestion in screening.

Entertainment venues and restaurants must be strict in screening customers and ensure their patrons follow all the regulations. If there is any outbreak of infection related to a venue, the venue will be charged over the incident. The ministry will also send officers to randomly inspect entertainment venues and restaurants to ensure the safety of all involved.


As for schools, there must be screening of students every morning. If any student is found to have a high fever, the whole class of students won’t be allowed to enter the school building. If they are identified during lessons, they will be detained individually in a room prepared for an emergency situation, until a medical team arrives. (NNT)