Time differential ruins a timely encounter


Dear Hillary,

One of your correspondents wrote that he was having troubles with his GF who gets up with the roosters and goes to bed after dinner, while he likes to stay up and go to the bars or other night time entertainments. It’s quite obvious that he and the early bird GF are not compatible. He likes the night scene which has 48,396 potential GF’s. Choose one! BTW, I made up that number 48,396, it was a guess. It should probably be more than that, especially as we’ve just had Cobra Gold.


Dear Grant,

I really have to agree with you. Just what does the current GF do for the poor chap? Spends his money and buys in lunch? Definitely doesn’t make breakfast. Maybe they go collecting wildflowers in the afternoon? Or sit together in the park listening to the Pattaya Percussionists and the Beach Road Brass Band? There is the other alternative of course. He joins a common interest group and meets a 45 year old divorcee who likes to talk about herself and all her hard luck till 2 or 3 in the morning. On second thoughts, number 48,396 sounds better. Or her sister 48,395.