Chicken Piccata


If you enjoy Italian cooking, then you will like this week’s recipe.  It can be done with pork instead of chicken, but I think the chicken variant is better.  The only real secret in this item is to make sure the chicken medallions are flattened to the same thickness, so they cook evenly and together.

Ingredients serves 2
Chicken breast medallions 4
Olive oil 1 tbspn
Butter 1 tbspn
White wine ¼ cup
Lemon juice 1 tbspn
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Parsley, chopped 1tbspn


Cooking Method

Flatten the chicken medallions between two pieces of waxed paper with a meat pounder until thin.  Heat the butter and olive oil in a sauté pan over medium-high heat.  Sauté the flattened medallions for about 1-2 minutes each side.  Remove and reserve to a platter and cover with tin foil to keep warm.

Now, deglaze the pan with the wine and lemon juice, loosening all of the browned bits stuck to the pan and bring to a boil.  Season with salt and pepper to taste, and add the parsley.

Place the chicken medallions on a serving plate, cover with

the sauce and serve immediately.  Goes well with steamed rice.