Satun Province steps up the inspection on the fisheries sector


SATUN, 19 June 2014,  – Satun Province has stepped up its inspection on fishing trawlers operating in the Andaman Sea.

As part of the province’s efforts to ensure the welfare of local and migrant fishermen as well as to prevent human tracking activity in the area, Satun Deputy Governor Prayoon Ratanaseni has led a team of inspectors to conduct a random inspection on fishing trawlers in the Andaman Sea

Most of the migrant workers in the province’s fishing industry are Burmese, said Mr. Prayun, who is also the head of the committee inspecting fishermen in terms of employment, working condition, human trafficking, and fishing vessels with dual nationality.

According to him, the province has imposed strict measures on inspecting the livelihood of fishermen, while urging the sector’s business operators to register their illegal migrant workers in order to avoid legal complication, in compliance with the policy of the National Council of Peace and Order.