UNESCO praises Thai government’s tablet policy


BANGKOK, 11 September 2012 – The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has praised the Thai government for its one-tablet per child policy, saying technology is important in this rapidly changing world. 

According to UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova, her organization is willing to support Thailand in terms of technological development as information and communication technology (ICT) is very important nowadays. Not only is the knowledge on ICT vital to teachers and students but also to everyone. She expressed that tablet PCs should not be used just for education, but also for occupational purposes.

Additionally, the UNESCO has set up a Mobile Education Learning project, using mobile phone as a tool to increase literacy rate. Ms Bokova said around February next year, a meeting will be held among member countries to discuss ways to efficiently use mobile phones as education tools.

During her visit to Thailand, the UNESCO Director-General also attended the annual Asia-Pacific Ministerial Forum on ICT in Education (AMFIE) 2012 in Bangkok; the event was also participated by Education ministers and officials related to education from 24 nations.