Thai and Airbus signs MOU to evaluate new maintenance facility at U-Tapao International Airport


BANGKOK,(NNT) – The Deputy Prime Minister presided over the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Thai and Airbus to evaluate the development of a major new maintenance and overhaul (MRO) facility at U-Tapao International Airport.

Thailand News 10-03-17 NNT 2Thai and Airbus signs MOU to evaluate new maintenance facility at U-Tapao International Airport 1

Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusriphitak said that Airbus’ decision to construct the MRO facility in Thailand and establish a partnership with the Kingdom demonstrates Thailand’s capability as the aviation hub of the Asia Pacific region.

40% of the aircrafts manufactured by Airbus are imported to Asia. All of these vehicles will require maintenance, so this joint investment will further bolster the Thai economy.

He thinks the Thai economy will grow a lot more within the next 3-4 years, with the various investment projects lined up this year, under the condition that there will be no further internal conflicts.

Airbus President Fabrice Bregier said that this project will help meet the strong demands of maintenance in the growing Asia-Pacific region, with air fleets in the region tripling to over 15,000 aircrafts over the next 20 years.