Songkhla lottery vendors continue to sell tickets at 80 baht apiece


SONGKHLA, 6 July 2015, Government Lottery Office Chief Thanawat Polwichai and Songkhla administration officials yesterday held a random inspection on lottery vendors in the province. The inspection did not discover any lottery vendor selling tickets exceeding the mandated price of 80 baht apiece.

Each vendors bought tickets from the Songkhla administration office at 70.40 baht apiece. The office has prepared 3,220 stacks of tickets for its contract vendors, another 100 stacks for disabled vendors and 460 stacks for the provincial association of the blind.

Mr. Thanawat Polwichai stresses that vendors who sell tickets exceeding the regulated price would face punishment, which includes a fine of up to 10,000 baht.

The majority of the vendors are satisfied with the new policy, saying they still make income, but have asked for larger ticket quotas from the officials. Currently, each vendor only receives 5 – 10 stacks of tickets. Those who need more resort to purchasing stacks from other vendors.