Skill training is to be provided to redundant staff from Toyota


The Labour Welfare and Protection Department will help redundant workers from Toyota Motors (Thailand) Corp who resigned from the company under the company’s voluntary resignation programme by providing them with skill training and trying to find them jobs.


Mr Suwitthaya Chanthawong, deputy director-general of the department, however, said that he didn’t there was much problem from these workers who are mainly temporary employees of the giant automobile company.

Toyota Motors (Thailoand) Corp introduced the so-called “Farewell from Hearts” programme by offering the temporary workers compensation and severance pay if they choose to quit voluntarily. The company is expected to shed between 800-900 jobs and promised to accept them back as first priority when business is back to normal.

Mr Suwitthaya said that labour officials working in areas where there are big industries such as automobile assembly and electronics to watch out for labour problem in light of economic slowdown and shrinking exports.