Law Reform Commission asks NLA to delay social security draft deliberation


BANGKOK, 29 October 2014 – The Law Reform Commission of Thailand has asked the National Legislative Assembly to delay its deliberation of a draft law on social security, citing the new bill will not be cohesive with the reform master plan of the government.

Vice President of the Law Reform Commission Sunee Chaiyarose said that the new draft on social security that the NLA is scheduled to deliberate on Thursday will not be helping the government’s reform efforts in any way.

Therefore, Mrs. Sunee said that the legislature’s review of this draft should be suspended and the public, especially members of the Social Security Fund, are invited to share their views on it first.

She reasoned that such a law that has direct impact on the life of so many people, particularly employees and workers, the Social Security Office should be removed from the supervision of any state offices and made an independent agency.