Investors urged to keep gold in portfolios amid global volatility


BANGKOK – Investment advisers have suggested that investors keep gold in their portfolios to cushion the impact of global economic and social volatility.

CEO of YLG Bullion and Futures Tipa Nawawattanasub said gold prices in the second quarter of this year were likely to move between 19,750 and 21,300 baht per baht-weight, or 1,200- 1,295 dollars per ounce.

Investors should start buying gold if the price drops to 19,750 baht per baht-weight and sell the commodity when the price gets close to 21,300 baht per baht-weight. In order for investors to prevent or reduce risks resulting from the unpredictable world economy and politics, gold should represent 10-20% of their investment portfolios.

Factors influencing gold prices include the Federal Reserve’s System’s policy which is expected to see the US central bank increase its interest rates after a meeting in June, political uncertainty caused by the general elections in European countries, the UK’s planned separation from the EU as well as tensions in the Middle East and on the Korean peninsula.

Ms. Tipa commented that gold remained a profit-making asset in overseas markets. Since early this year, gold prices in foreign markets have edged up by 69 dollars per ounce, giving investors a six percent profit.

Gold trading in the domestic market was less remunerative, giving investors a two percent profit. Gold prices in the country climbed up by 400 baht per baht-weight due to the stronger baht and a weakened dollar.