Bank of Thailand predicts improved economy for the second half of the year


Thailand’s economic performance in the second half of the year is likely to improve steadily but slightly, said Ms Pornpen Sodsrichai, director of the Bank of Thailand’s office of macro economics, on Friday.


Economic situation for June has slightly slowed down compared to the situation a month ago as consumption of the private sector or public expenditure contracted slightly by 0.3 percent – an indication that purchasing power of the households of the agricultural and non-agricultural sectors remains weak.

Expansion of the income of the agricultural household sector dropped to 1.7 percent in June from 6.5 percent in May while tourism sector dropped 1.3 percent compared to the figure in May largely due to decline in tourists from Malaysia, Indonesia and the Middle East due to the fasting month of the Ramadan.

Exports with the exception of gold declined 1.4 percent compared to the May’s figures due to economic slowdown in importing countries.

Mrs Pornpen, however, attributed government sector’s spending and tourism sector for boosting the economy with inflation dropping slightly to 0.38 percent.