Pattaya Sports Club Bunker Boys Golf Report April 24-26-28

Billy Shepley, winner at Eastern Star and Pattavia Golf Courses and Golfer of the month, Niall Glover.

Monday, April 24
Eastern Star Golf Course
1st Billy Shepley (10) 34 points
2nd Michael Brett (17) 32 points
3rd Gary Smith (8) 32 points
Near pins Bil Richardson, Kob Glover, Niall Glover, & Billy Shepley.

It’s been some considerable time since we faced the threat of rain but with black clouds on the horizon, thunder rumbling in the air, and the occasional lightning strike it looked like a real possibility today. As luck would have it the rain stayed away, although the course would have benefited greatly from a good drenching, it was mostly brown, bare in places, and very hard. It did rain later with the prospect of more to come.

As always Eastern Star proved to be a real challenge with only Billy Shepley posting a decent score of thirty-four points to take first place. Five second placings in a row for Michael Brett with thirty-two points edging out Gary Smith on countback. All the near pins were taken with the Glovers again taking one each, the other two going to Bil Richardson and Billy Shepley.

Wednesday, April 26
Pattavia Golf Course
1st Billy Shepley (10) 38 points
2nd Michael Brett (17) 36 points
3rd Jimmy Carr (19) 34 points
Near pins Niall Glover, Kob Glover, Bil Richardson, & Geoff Parker

After much chopping and changing the penultimate game of April was played at Pattavia. Originally set down for Green Valley which is now closed for renovations and subsequently transferred to Pattaya Country Club which is in the process of coring and sanding the greens it was finally moved to Pattavia, and a good choice it turned out to be. Having had some good soaking rain in the past few days the course was in the best condition we have seen it since after the last rainy season, with lush green fairways, and greens that were not ridiculously fast. Rain threatened again today and we even had a few drops but luckily we stayed dry.

Scores were decent with Billy Shepley going back-to-back with thirty-eight points in first place. With the game there for the taking again Michael Brett stumbled on the closing holes and finished with thirty-six points, his sixth second placing in a row. Jimmy Carr was one stroke back in third place. All the near pins were taken with the Glovers once again taking one each, Geoff Parker and Bil Richardson got the other two.

Friday, April 28
Greenwood C & A Golf Course
1st Greg Berry (19) 39 points
2nd Bil Richardson (17) 37 points
3rd Michael Brett (17) 34 points
4th Niall Glover (14) 34 points
Near pins Jack Best, Raymond Wen, Neil Cornell, & Billy Shepley.

A strange day at Greenwood for the last game of the month, it started mild and calm. On the back nine, a strong blustery wind got up and blew for a couple of holes, and as quick as it came it went again. The threat of rain was ever present with thunder and lightning in the distance as well as dark clouds, fortunately, once again we stayed dry, it feels like just a matter of time before we get a drenching.

Scores were very decent today with Greg Berry after a period in the doldrums sparked up today with a fine winning score of thirty-nine points. Second place went to Bil Richardson with thirty-seven points. Michael Brett and Niall Glover finished in that order on countback with thirty-four points. Three newcomers, Jack Best, Raymond Wen, and Neil Cornell got a near pin each with the remaining pin going to Billy Shepley. Today was the first time ever we had all four sets of loan clubs in use.

As always on the last game of the month we look to find the golfer of the month. At the beginning of the day as was the case at the end of the day Niall Glover and Michael Brett were locked together on equal points so it had to be decided on countback which went in Niall’s favour so he was duly crowned golfer of the month for April.