Mashi makes hay at Greenwood


PSC golf from Tropical Bert’s

Tuesday, December 6, Greenwood – Stableford

Just a normal day in this paradise for the golfer: lots of players zipped up to Greenwood and with a strong wind decided to have a great day out.  And despite the strong wind as we played off the front, yellow tees, most had a great day and scored a lot of points.

Back at Bert’s we saw as expected that the results were on the high side, but it is nice that sometimes all the players have great day out and score a lot of points.  And why not!

Tuesday’s winners with one of Bert’s finest. Tuesday’s winners with one of Bert’s finest.

In the A Flight, 0 to 17, the winner, not unexpected, was Mashi Kaneta with a great 43 points.  Mashi never fails to impress.  In second we had a count back on 39 points that saw Steve Hamstad in second and Brian Parrish in third.

In the B Flight the winner was Don Cameron with 39 points ahead of Daryl Evans with 37 points in second, and Dick Warberg in third with 36 points.  T.T.F.N.

Near Pins:  Mashi (2)

Long Putts:  John Haddon, Daryl Evans