Hot scoring for PAGS at Pattavia


A strong field of 127 players gathered at Pattavia Chonburi on the last Wednesday of the month, November 25, for the penultimate PAGS tournament of 2015.  The golfing conditions were of the highest order, clear skies with a light breeze and a course turned out in good condition.  The fairways were firm and giving up some run, while the greens, although not as fiery as they can be, offered plenty of challenges while running smooth and true.

There were some high calibre scores turned in, along with some fine individual efforts for the technical prizes available on each hole.

Jason Barnett (H/cap 4) was one of the stars of the day, winning both the A flight net and the coveted Low Gross with an outstanding score of 71 off the stick.  Roger Rees (13) also had a stellar day, shooting the best stableford score of 42 points and picking up a technical prize for the longest drive on 18 in the 65+ age group.

Jason Barnett (centre) – Low Gross & A flight winner.

The Ladies winner in a small field was Anna Marie Usher (23) with a solid 36 points.

C Flight, for 19+ handicappers, was a hotly contested division, won by Bill Fershtman (31) clearly with a score of 40 points, with Sami Sarajrvi (24) and Silvano Pizzato (20) requiring a count back to settle second place after both signed for 39 points; Sami got the nod to go with his near pin on #7 while Silvano had to settle for the bronze.

As noted earlier in the B flight (13–18), it was Roger Rees (13) winning with the day’s best return of 42 points.  In this division no count backs were required to separate the minor placings, which went to Maurice Roberts (13) who recorded 40 points, along with a long drive on #9 in the 55–64 age group, while Dennis Steele (13) got third with a solid 37 points.

B flight winner Roger Rees (centre) receives his prize.

In the A flight (0–12) Jason got the plaudits with his great round of 71 and his 41 points.  For the minor placings, after all the counting was done, it was Anders Norberg (12) getting the nod for second over Leif Pettersson (10) after both signed for 38 points.  Anders added to his technical on #2, having the superior last 6 holes of 14 points, to Leif’s 12, to go with his technical on #11.

Honorable mentions this month go out to Olli Pekka Suominen, Tiger Jumparnit and Mika Viljakainen on picking up the maximum of 2 technical prizes, no small feat given the high quality golf played (by some) on the day.

Bill Fershtman (centre) was the winner of C flight.

Despite a few showers of rain, the catering crew led by Dave, did a bang up job feeding the players and guests prior to the prize giving, and I am sure all were pleased with the array of food.

We look forward to this month’s event, the final for the year, with the Order of Merit still up for grabs, at Emerald on 23rd December.  Note the date, and contact Shane early on 086 372 0084 to ensure your preferred tee time.