Xmas gifts from Pattaya City Expats Club


Over the last few Sundays, Judith Edmonds, Club Treasurer, has been collecting donations from the members. This was to be used to give Xmas gifts to the children at the Pattaya Orphanage and the Mercy Centre.

The Mercy Centre had told us that their children were in need of shoes and new clothes, and this would cost in the region of 18,000 baht. Two members who wish to remain anonymous pledged 9,000 baht each and thanks to their generosity the children at the Mercy Centre will be clothed and shod for the next year. Another member, again anonymous, gave 5,000 baht to be shared out between the two organisations.

Judith hands the generously donated money to Francesca and Leng Leng at the Mercy Centre. Judith hands the generously donated money to Francesca and Leng Leng at the Mercy Centre.

Judith Edmonds and Alex Rubenstein went shopping for books, pens, socks and other gifts as well as sweets for all the children. These were then all bagged up ready for presentation to the children.

The gifts for the children at the Mercy centre were parcelled up and taken to their office in Duck Square to be given to the children on Xmas Day.

Judith hands the money donated by PCEC members to Toy at the Pattaya Orphanage. Judith hands the money donated by PCEC members to Toy at the Pattaya Orphanage.

The Orphanage children came to the club and gave a dance display and then their choir sang several carols to the delight of the members and as they finished, Father Christmas came down the stairs to present each one of them with a goodie bag. It was a very emotional moment and quite a few members were surreptitiously wiping away tears. One of the little boys prodded Father Christmas in the tummy and exclaimed “It’s real!” and then another asked him where his reindeer were. To their surprise and delight he spoke to them in Thai and told them it was too hot for them in Thailand and he had left them at home having a well earned rest.

After all the presents had been bought there was quite a considerable amount of money left over, so 9,520 baht was given to the Mercy Centre, and 9,540 baht was given to the Pattaya Orphanage.

A great “THANK YOU” to attendees of PCEC for giving so generously of their money to ensure that all these children had a day to remember.