We can iron out some of the problems at Baan Jing Jai


You can see by the look on the children’s faces how happy they are in their new centre. Their previous home housed 72 children living in cramped conditions in three small houses with very little play area. The dangers were obvious, being situated on the busy, dangerous Nernplabwan with everything covered in dust raised by the continuous heavy traffic passing by.

But after many years of frustration and the great effort by the committee to raise sufficient funds to build this new centre everyone is so much happier, including the staff. Beautifully designed, they now have the space to express themselves and also have space to play whatever games come to mind. Situated amongst farm land just off route 36 everything is quiet and no traffic to worry about.

The computer and iron are given to Khun Pianghta.

But moving to larger premises also has its own problems. More space means more personal items, like bedding, more learning material, which is just what Pianghta requested when I saw her. A friend, Nigel Oakes has consistently made donations to charities throughout the region and, amongst others, a donation to Baan Jing Jai was the latest. Pianghta expressed the need for another computer for the one they have is nowhere sufficient for 72 children. She also had an unusual request and one with which I was not familiar, a safety iron. The children are encouraged to iron their clothes and there is always the risk, if they were not concentrating, that they may burn themselves. This safety iron obliterates that possibility, hence the safety iron, so that became the second item on the agenda.

The computer is now up and running.

There are still many items that are required so if you feel you would like to make a donation, regardless of how small, please contact William on 0861522754.