Rucahue comes to Pattaya


Rucahue is another Chilean vineyard whose wines are now being imported by BNK Pattaya Wine Gallery (K. Natthachai – tel 038 736 153) and a preview of these wines was held at Areca Lodge.

In attendance was the export manager for the vineyard, Daniel Soto, a most interesting man, a native of Chile, but one who had spent 27 years in Sydney, Australia.  He spoke on the history of wine making in Chile and how his vineyard’s original vines came with the Spaniards who settled originally in Chile.  In this winery’s case this was Jose Esturillo Castano.

The Pattaya Mail Wine Tasting Team, from left, Peter Malhotra, Som Corness, Daniel Soto, and K. Natthachai.The Pattaya Mail Wine Tasting Team, from left, Peter Malhotra, Som Corness, Daniel Soto, and K. Natthachai.

He confirmed that the most popular grape at present was the Pinot Noir, which was grown in the Loncomilla Valley, with the majority from ‘old vines’ which to this day remain disease-free.

The wines on offer that evening were predominantly reds (seven ‘Reserve’) and three whites.  Daniel Soto did indicate that while the non-reserve wines were pleasant drinking, the ‘Reserve’ labels were better quality.

In tasting, I enjoyed the Pinot Noir Reserve, made with 100 percent Pinot Noir grape, followed by Chardonnay Reserve, which is a limited production white.

The Rucahue wines are not available through supermarkets, but only through the more wine savvy restaurants in Pattaya.