PILC hosts two interesting speakers


The Pattaya International Ladies Club (PILC) held its January Coffee Morning at Dicey Reilly’s on Second Road. About 85 ladies were in attendance and everyone enjoyed the hospitality provided by the Marriot Hotel and pub manager, Russell Woolley.

This month the Club hosted two very interesting speakers at the Coffee Morning. Margot Weinman, from the National Museum Volunteers (NMV), a PILC member, gave a short presentation on NMV.

Bea Grunwell and Birgitta Holm.Bea Grunwell and Birgitta Holm.

The National Museum Volunteers (NMV) is a non-profit organisation, which has served the National Museum Bangkok since 1969. Under the auspices of the Fine Arts Department, the NMV supports the National Museum Bangkok through a variety of educational and cultural activities.

Members study the art, history and culture of Thailand and its neighbours and may train as museum guides. Ms. Weinman is setting up study groups for PILC members to study various aspects of Thai culture in some depth.

The second speaker was Birgitta Holm from Sweden. Ms. Holm gave an inspirational and interesting presentation on Swedish writer, Selma Lagerlof, who was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize in Literature, 102 years ago, for her novel “The Story of Gösta Berling.”

The Nobel Prize has existed since 1901 and was created by Swedish engineer and inventor, Alfred Nobel. During the 110 years of its history only 12 women have been rewarded with the prize in literature, roughly 10 percent of the total recipients. Ms. Holm concluded her presentation by remarking, “Let’s hope there will be many more women to win the prize in the near future. And I am sure everyone of you (PILC members), from all of the 32 countries you represent, could come up with a number of worthy candidates to nominate!”

Margot Weinman.Margot Weinman.

The next PILC event is the Annual General Meeting which will be held on February 7th at the Hilton Hotel. At the AGM, the president gives a report of the affairs of the Club, and any matters pertaining to the Club are discussed. In addition, a new president and general committee are elected.

The PILC has been in existence for 25 years in Pattaya and is made up of more than 200 members from all walks of life, aged from early twenties to mid-eighties, and from 33 countries.

The Club offers all sorts of social and community opportunities for women who are living here long-term or for a short while. Go to www.pilc-pattaya.com for find out more about the Club.