Joint Chambers at Pullman

(l-r) Chris Thatcher – Vice Chairman of BCCT, Philip Coates Executive Director Belgian-Luxembourg/Thai Chamber of Commerce, Hans van den Born, executive director at NTCC, Simon Matthews – Chairman of BCCT, Dr. Roland Wein, executive director at GTCC, Pasit Foobunma – Vice Chairman of South African-Thai Chamber of Commerce
(l-r) Chris Thatcher – Vice Chairman of BCCT, Philip Coates Executive Director Belgian-Luxembourg/Thai Chamber of Commerce, Hans van den Born, executive director at NTCC, Simon Matthews – Chairman of BCCT, Dr. Roland Wein, executive director at GTCC, Pasit Foobunma – Vice Chairman of South African-Thai Chamber of Commerce

The very active chambers on the Eastern Seaboard gathered at the Pullman Hotel G for a combined networking evening. The chamber members were invited to attend the Eastern Seaboard Joint Networking Event on June 16th hosted by The Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce, Belgian-Luxembourg/Thai Chamber of Commerce and Pullman Pattaya Hotel G, in co-operation with AustCham, BCCT, AMCHAM, CanCham, GTCC, SATCC and STCC.

Philip Coates was very proud of the fact that BeLuThai as a chamber had over 100 members, though most of those were companies, and was backed up by Hans van den Born, the executive director of the Netherlands Thai Chamber of Commerce. A man with opinions set in concrete was Rob Sedarat, the business development manager of Pathumthani Concrete Company, who was enjoying networking with Nui, Tanya, Metas and Marc (German speaking) from Bangkok Hospital Pattaya.

Royal Dutch Airlines, AKA KLM, was represented by Athitkrit Saksataporn, the account manager. Alas no free first class flights, but it is always worth the ask.

The British Chamber is always well represented with Chairman Simon Matthews and Chris Thatcher.

There always seems to be more logistics companies than people actually moving, but the very attractive Taksina Khumking from NMT stood every good chance of snaring those with oversize cargo.

A regular at these types of event is Alan Verstein from the Siam Gazette who manages to give birth to more than one media outlet.

Whilst not a chamber, the Automotive Focus Group were represented by its President Frank Holzer, photographer extraordinaire Ron Grigaras and secretary Manita.

The event was well attended, though the increase in entry fee was the subject of an aggrieved nature.