Happy New Year


Saran Tantijumnaj, regional department stores director for Central Pattaya Co. – Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone. Here’s wishing for everlasting happiness and good health for all.

Chanyuth Hengtrakul, secretary to the transportation minister – As a former MP, I ask for the divine grace of Lord Buddha and religious deities to bless the members of Pattaya Mail with success, prosperity and have all wishes fulfilled and most importantly, good health.

Poramet Ngampichet, MP Chonburi Region 7 – Best wishes on the auspicious occasion of the New Year 2012 and I ask the for the divine grace from all sacred lords of the universe to bless the readers of the Pattaya Mail with happiness, fulfillment, and for all of their wishes to be fulfilled. Mistakes in the past should be analyzed and improved, focus on success and finally, wish for good health and happiness, strong mind to deal with unexpected happenings such as the recent flood crisis. However, all Thais citizens, particularly citizens in Pattaya City, should let bygones be bygones.

Deputy Mayor Ronakit Ekasingh – I ask the religious deities of the universe to bless brothers and sisters of Pattaya City and nearby counties to achieve prosperity leading to richness and for the children and grandchildren to be loved ones within the boundaries of the parents, to become good citizens of the country and wish for security for all within Pattaya City.

Deputy Mayor Verawat Khakhay – I wish for all to read Pattaya Mail for good quality news; for all to have happiness and as 2012 will be an auspicious year, all to do good dedicated to HM the King; I wish for all to have success, cooperate with each other and unite to continue developing Pattaya City.