Green Pattaya Community cleans up Pratamnak Hill


On the 6th April 2013 the Green Pattaya Community gathered over 175 people to clean from Pratamnak Hill to Cosy Beach. Just after two o’clock people started gathering and after the media prompted photoshoot, the cleaning crews made their way down Soi Rajchawaroon from Pratamnak Hill. Everybody was placed in a team and took care of the various streets from Kasetsin 1 to 11 down to Cosy Beach. Different sponsors had set up camp along the way providing a media centre, a medical center and refreshments to make sure nobody got overheated on this hot day.

The Pattaya City Hall Environmental Department kindly dedicated to the occasion two big trucks, over 15 staff plus 150 different tools for clearing and cleaning. They also took care of all the rubbish bins and sorted out the recycled items.

Green Pattaya Community gathers on Pratamnak Hill, preparing to clean up the area. (Photo Courtesy Chaianan Moontreephakdee)Green Pattaya Community gathers on Pratamnak Hill, preparing to clean up the area. (Photo Courtesy Chaianan Moontreephakdee)

Kingdom Property and The Universal Group provided extra shirts, caps and drinks and Amazon Travel offered trucks to help move the rubbish. Orion Development and Cosy Beach Hotel had set up refreshments stations for the army of cleaners. The Bangkok Hospital Pattaya provided first aid kits and the Defence International Security Services provided security through the whole day. MBMG and PTA Travel plus a number of private people made donations to the event. The Pattaya media was well represented promoting and covering the event.

At six o’clock it was time for the Green Pattaya team to round things up and have refreshments courtesy of the Lighthouse Cafe at Bali Hai Pier.

The aims of Green Pattaya are to create awareness of green issues and encourage people into action. Green Pattaya’s first regular cleaning day was a big success with over 500 Bags of rubbish cleared away from the Cosy Beach area and increased awareness by Pattaya City Hall of the area’s problems. From awareness come improvements, for example a broken sewage pump station near the beach and a rubbish dump on private land, both have been brought to the attention of Pattaya City Hall, who are keen to see remedial action.

Green Pattaya is a non profit grassroots community and an initiative by members of the Rotary Club of Eastern Seaboard. The next event is planned for 12th May 2013 when they are cleaning the temple and the hill around Big Buddha, Pratamnak. To check the date and time see more information available on Facebook; everybody will be welcome.

In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us.

Facebook:- https://www.
